Equipping Faithful Stewards
As we near the end of 2023, we need your help to continue to equip people to be good and faithful stewards of God's resources. Help us reach our $250,000 year-end fundraising goal!
$249,949 of $250,000

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* This donation qualifies as a FaithFi Partner 🎉

I'd like to receive FaithFi Partner benefits, including a copy of Look at the Sparrows.

We equip Christians to integrate
faith and financial decisions
for the
glory of God.
We educate Christians on the Bible's financial principles through the daily Faith & Finance show airing across the nation as well as articles, podcasts, and videos on, the FaithFi app, and our Weekly Wisdom newsletter.
Weekly Listeners
Annual Podcast Downloads
Weekly Wisdom Recipients
The FaithFi app is helping thousands of people integrate their faith and financial decisions through innovative money management technology that fits the unique needs of each person.
FaithFi App Members
FaithFi is connecting people with experts, such as Certified Kingdom Advisors and Certified Christian Financial Counselors, as well as helping people find answers to their questions through the FaithFi Community.
Searches for a CKA in 2023
Community Q&As in 2023
The world wants us to believe our identity is found in money and possessions -- but pursing such things only leads to a life full of confusion, anxiety, and emptiness.
Christ is the only one that can fullfill our deepest longings -- not money and possessions. When we replace the lies of the world with the truth of the gospel, our financial decisions simply become a reflection of who we treasure most.
I began listening to Larry Burkett and continued to listen to Howard Dayton, and now to Rob. You are a tremendous blessing. I have been able to give much more and live obediently as a result of this ministry. Thank you for always reminding us that God is faithful and for giving us biblical counsel.
Brenna; California
I often listen to your show on the car radio when I run errands during my lunch break. I've learned a lot! God bless you and your good work.
I listen to Faith & Finance when commuting home from work each day and I have learned a ton as a result. But I guess even more than the education, I appreciate the heart behind what y'all do. As an example, there was a caller that was on the program that had just lost her husband to cancer and really didn't know how to move ahead from where she was financially. Rob was so kind toward her (as I have heard him be toward so many others) by showing compassion and personally volunteering to help her get set up with someone who could help.
Wade; Alabama
My wife and I want to thank you for helping so many people with biblical advice. We have been out of debt for many years and have the appropriate savings. We now lead a couples group sharing these principles. Thank you!!
I love how the FaithFi app is based on Godly and biblical principles, taking into account short term and long term goals for all stages of life, disciplines, and levels. A true recipe for success on a financial, personal, and spiritual level.
For all Christians to see
God as their ultimate treasure.
Content That Cultivates Hearts
Your support allows us to continue to produce the Faith & Finance radio program and podcast, reaching millions of weekly listeners with relevant and timely new content that answers financial questions from a biblical perspective.

Additionally, your financial gift will help us launch a brand new Bible study series in 2024 that will guide people on an personal incredible journey through God’s Word and what it says about money and possessions. Our prayer is that these studies will both challenge and encourage readers to re-evaluate the role money plays in their lives and to grow in their relationship with Jesus.
Tools That Guide Decisions
With over 50,000 app users, the FaithFi app is quickly becoming a go-to resource for Christians to manage their money wisely. Your financial support allows us to continue bringing innovative tools that help people make good financial decisions and, more importantly, understand the “why” behind those decisions as they align them with their faith.
A Movement Reaching Millions
We hear from people everyday about the life change that comes from integrating their faith and financial decisions, but we have millions more to invite on this journey. Your financial gift will allow us to reach more people and continue to grow the number of Christians who are good and faithful stewards–for the glory of God.
FaithFi Content
Leverage: Using Temporal Wealth for Eternal Gain
Kenneth Boa & Russ Crosson will help equip you with the biblical foundation and practical solutions to build a financial legacy where "moth nor rust destroys".

Receive a copy of Leverage with your donation of any amount to FaithFi.


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* This donation qualifies as a FaithFi Partner 🎉

I'd like to receive FaithFi Partner benefits, including a copy of Look at the Sparrows.