What would you say is the most generous act of all time? If you said “The Cross,” you’d be correct.
Jesus gave His life so we may spend eternity with Him. We must only have faith in Him as our Lord and Savior to receive this gift. Art Rainer joins us today with thoughts on what the Cross reveals about generosity.
Art Rainer is the founder of the Institute for Christian Financial Health and Christian Money Solutions. He is a regular contributor here at Faith & Finance and the author of “Money in the Light of Eternity: What the Bible Says about Your Financial Purpose.”In Matthew 27, we read how the unfathomable became reality. God sent his only Son, Jesus, to the world. While on earth, he lived sinless, doing what no human could ever do on their own. Yet, he was condemned to die on the cross. Christians can’t look at the cross without seeing radical generosity. The blood-stained wood reminds us of the greatest gift ever given. It shows us what genuine, biblical generosity looks like.
Five Lessons About Generosity From The Cross
- Biblical generosity is not deserved. No human has ever deserved what we read about in Matthew 27. The Bible is evident on this matter. Romans 3:23 says, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”
- Biblical generosity should be a priority. God did not give us his leftovers. John 3:16 tells us, “For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” God gives us His one and only, His first and best. God leads us in the first fruits principle in Proverbs 3:9 and throughout Scripture.
- Biblical generosity should be sacrificial. A sacrifice occurs when something desirable and beneficial is given up. Jesus’ sacrifice was astonishing not only because he was unjustly executed but also because he took on the wrath of God for all sins—past, present, and future. It is an act truly unfathomable to the human mind.
- Biblical generosity should reflect God’s generosity. God is a generous God; throughout Scripture, we see God’s generosity on full display. God’s generosity is no more evident than when He sent His Son to earth as our sacrificial lamb.
- Biblical generosity impacts eternity, and the cross certainly did. When we give, individuals may hear about and put their faith in Christ because we chose to live with open hands. It’s an incredible honor.
What is a Christian Financial Counselor (CertCFC)?
Christian Financial Counselors help individuals and couples discover and pursue God’s design for money. They guide them in making wise financial decisions, building sound financial habits, and increasing their biblical financial literacy.
If you’re looking for a Christian Financial Counselor (CertCFC) to help you with your finances, go to FaithFi.com and click “Find A Professional.” To learn more about becoming a Certified Christian Financial Counselor (CertCFC), visit ChristianFinancialHealth.com. On Today’s Program, Rob Answers Listener Questions:
- I had about $630,000 in my 401k, which I took out of the market just before the pandemic and put in a safe fund. I'm still deciding whether to return to the market or leave it in the safe fund, which yields about 1.3%. I plan to retire in about two years when I'll be 70 and start collecting my Social Security benefits. What do you recommend I do with the money in my 401k—get back into the market or leave it in the safe fund?
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