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Buckner International, Doing Good With Scott Collins

FaithFi: Faith & Finance | May 31, 2024


Show Notes

“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” - Galatians 6:9

One Christian ministry has been doing good for nearly 150 years and shows zero signs of growing weary. Scott Collins joins us today to discuss Buckner International and its ongoing efforts to support foster care, adoption, and family outreach.

Scott Collins is the Senior Vice President of Communications at Buckner International, an underwriter of Faith & Finance.

A Legacy of Service Since 1879

Buckner International, founded by R.C. Buckner 145 years ago with just $27 for its first orphanage, has grown into a multifaceted ministry dedicated to serving vulnerable children and families worldwide. One of their well-known initiatives is the Shoes for Orphan Souls program, which provides shoes to at-risk kids globally. However, Buckner’s mission extends far beyond this.

Current Ministry Efforts

Today, Buckner International focuses on:

  • Shoes for Orphan Souls: Providing footwear to children in need.
  • Foster Care and Adoption: Finding loving homes for children.
  • Family Outreach: Supporting families to create stable and nurturing environments.
  • Humanitarian Aid: Offering essential resources to those in crisis.
  • Community Development: Building strong communities through various programs.

Buckner’s ultimate goal is to lead people to Christ. The Spirit of God is actively using its initiatives to inspire professions of faith, with numerous individuals committing their lives to Christ in the past year.

How You Can Help

If you’re inspired by Buckner International’s mission and want to support its efforts, visit Buckner.org and click “Donate.” Your contribution can help continue the transformative work Buckner is doing worldwide.

On Today’s Program, Rob Answers Listener Questions:

  • Do I need a lawyer to draw up another deed to add transfer-on-death beneficiaries to our home deed since we own a home in Iowa?
  • What do I do with an inherited IRA that my fiancée received after her father passed away? She is currently in Chapter 13 bankruptcy, and I was wondering if the IRA would be exempt from her creditors. I was also asking for advice on what to do with the funds once her father's estate is settled and she inherits more money once her bankruptcy is paid off.
  • I have two private student loans totaling $70,000 with interest rates of 9.5% and 10.5%. Would it be wise to get a lower-interest personal loan or refinance the existing loans?
  • I invested $10,000 in I-Bonds two years ago, specifically for my daughter's college. Since the interest rates on I-Bonds have dropped below 5%, is there another investment I could transfer the I-Bond money that would have a better return?
  • Would it be reasonable for me to transfer my money management to a financial advisor in Florida? I recently moved to Florida from the northern United States, and my current financial advisor is still up north. Would there be any problems with transferring, and would transferring allow me the convenience of meeting with an advisor face-to-face by walking into their local office?

Resources Mentioned:

Remember, you can call in to ask your questions most days at (800) 525-7000. Faith & Finance is also available on the Moody Radio Network and American Family Radio. Visit our website at FaithFi.com where you can join the FaithFi Community and give as we expand our outreach.

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