VERSES | Jun 22, 2023

The True Way to Turn Issues Into Opportunities

We can get so caught up in the all-important tasks and transactions of the day that we miss the big picture and the “glue” connecting it all.

Like, what we’d do without gravity, or how long we’d last without oxygen.

What’s typically on my mind: How our kids are doing in school, the project due at work, our plans for the weekend, and if I’m ever going to get back to the gym. I mean, after all, it IS April, and I did say I was going to exercise more this year!

When my mind is exclusively on these things, I run the risk of discounting, or worse yet, completely ignoring, God’s setup and what it means for my life.

The first sentence in the Bible makes it clear: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1, NIV). Meaning, God created gravity, oxygen, food and, well… everything.

Our God is extraordinary! He even remarkably created and designed our bodies to do things like take in oxygen from trees and later produce the CO2 trees need to produce oxygen.

As Christians, we intellectually understand and accept God is sovereign, correct? If you answered yes, how would you describe what that actually means?

The Holman Bible Dictionary describes God’s sovereignty as: the biblical teaching that God is the source of all creation and that all things come from and depend upon God.

This definition references __Psalm 24:1 __(NLT), which reads “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to him.”

So, if the earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, what does that mean for our money and possessions??? You probably guessed it: they’re not ours. They’re His.

God owns the money. God created the money. God provides the money. God controls the money and can continue to give or take it away.

God’s ownership is the glue that holds it all together!

Like oxygen leads to life and gravity leads to staying on the ground, embracing God’s ownership leads to handling money His way. When we do, every money issue becomes an opportunity to have faith and trust God. Every money temptation becomes an opportunity for obedience and perseverance. Each day becomes an opportunity to glorify God with every financial decision we make.

Be encouraged today knowing God owns it all and has you covered. Our job is to be faithful managers of His money (1 Corinthians 4:2). Do your best to be faithful with what He has given you. Don’t get distracted by the ways of this world. Fix your eyes on the prize and run the race to win (1 Corinthians 9:24).

Surrender your money and life to Christ today, and commit to prioritize your money to accomplish the things God cares about. Don’t ever back down from starting a conversation about money by declaring that God owns it all. Stand in the gap with conviction, and share the good news of Jesus Christ and what that means relative to your choice to make God the master in your life, not money. Stay strong and courageous (Joshua 1:8). YOU are the tipping point.

Visit our System of Learning at to begin or accelerate your financial discipleship journey today.

*Image used with permission. *

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Equipping people worldwide to faithfully apply God’s financial principles so they may know Christ more intimately.

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