SPENDING | Dec 10, 2023

The Best Gifts Are Free

“‘Tis the season to be jolly.”

And as founder of Compass – finances God’s way, Howard Dayton, shared recently, it’s also become the season to spend—a lot more than we’re used to, at that. (Read his article, if you missed it)

With only a few days left until Christmas, many of us are preparing for family get-togethers, and then New Year’s Day celebrations. And it can all be very exciting. But it can also be a stressful, overwhelming and expensive time of year…

Everywhere you turn, there’s some kind of advertisement showcasing a deal or savings on TVs, grills, cookware, smartphones… you name it. But if I fail to make anything else clear today, I want to reiterate what Howard recommended for having a debt-free Christmas and make this very clear: If you can’t afford it, don’t fall into this trap.

Now, in one of my past blogs, I shared that the past few months have been full of shifts in priorities and plans for my family. But after listening to a sermon at church, the Holy Spirit prompted me to plan on giving more to others this season instead of saving more for our household. We’re not going into debt to do it, though…

According to CreditCards.com, in a 2021 survey, 41% of us said we are willing to go into debt for our holiday shopping…

Do you really think the people you love—and the people who love you— would want to hear you say you’re going into debt to get them gifts? I don’t think so.

Generosity is so much more than buying tangible things for the people you love. A lot of meaningful things can’t be wrapped. So, don’t stress yourself out trying to spend money on gifts you don’t think you can afford.

Maybe you have other options…

1.You could ask your family if they’d like to try a Secret Santa gift exchange this year, where each of you pick one person to get a gift for. That way, everyone gets something… but without breaking the bank.

2. You could make something for the people on your list.

A pie, a home-cooked meal, a handmade craft. Don’t be afraid to get creative. Howard mentioned this in his last article, too.

3. You could look for deals.

If you have names on your list that you must get something for, like kids, for example, instead of buying an item at the first place you go to, shop around. Search for it online.

I have an extension on my browser called Capital One Shopping. When I buy something online, right before checkout, it’ll automatically run promo codes to check if I’m getting the best deal. The last time I used it, $20 was slashed from the original price. There are plenty other programs like this: Honey, Rakuten, RetailMeNot, etc.

But one last thing: We all know this is the season of giving (and yes, spending on stuff). But if you can’t afford to buy gifts this year, here’s another option:

4. Talk to your loved ones and just be honest.

If they don’t understand, that’s on them.

Don’t forget about the things that are way more important than anything we unwrap…

Family, quality time, friendships, kindness and love (Colossians 3:12), and last but certainly not least, the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ (Isaiah 9:6; John 1:14). These are all gifts… and a good reminder that the best things in life are free.

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Equipping people worldwide to faithfully apply God’s financial principles so they may know Christ more intimately.

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