MANAGE | Sep 26, 2024

Biblical Financial Principles and 5 Practical Steps to Live by Them

Financial management plays a significant role in our lives today. However, for Christians, the concept of financial stewardship goes beyond sheer money management. It is rooted in biblical principles that guide believers to view and manage their finances as a resource entrusted to them by God. In this article, we will define the principles of biblical financial stewardship and provide some practical steps you can take to live as a faithful steward.

What is Biblical Financial Stewardship?

Biblical financial stewardship refers to responsible and faithful management of the financial resources God has entrusted us. It recognizes that everything we have ultimately belongs to God and that we are called to use our financial blessings wisely for His purposes and glory.

Principles of Biblical Financial Stewardship:

God's Ownership Central to financial stewardship is acknowledging that God is the ultimate owner of everything. The Bible tells us, "The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it" (Psalm 24:1). Understanding this principle helps us adopt a humble and grateful attitude, recognizing that our possessions are gifts from God.

Faithful Stewardship As stewards, we must manage our finances with faithfulness and integrity. This involves practicing honesty, diligence, and wise decision-making in our financial matters. Jesus illustrated the importance of faithful stewardship in the parable of the talents, emphasizing that faithful stewards are entrusted with even greater responsibilities (Matthew 25:14-30).

Putting God First Biblical financial stewardship requires prioritizing God in our finances. This includes giving to God first through tithes and offerings. The principle of tithing involves giving a tenth of our income back to God as an act of worship and trust in His provision (Malachi 3:10). By prioritizing God's kingdom first (Matt. 6:33), we acknowledge His faithfulness as a provider and invite His blessings into our financial journey.

Contentment and Avoiding Greed Financial stewardship requires learning contentment and avoiding the trap of greed. The apostle Paul teaches, "But godliness with contentment is great gain" (1 Timothy 6:6). True wealth lies not in accumulating possessions but in finding satisfaction in our relationship with God. By avoiding greed, we can focus on the eternal rather than the temporal.

Generosity Biblical financial stewardship encourages a spirit of generosity. As we recognize that our blessings are gifts from God, we are inspired to share them with others in need. The apostle Paul instructs believers to "do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share" (1 Timothy 6:18). Generosity not only blesses others but also reflects the love and generosity of our Heavenly Father. Understanding these Biblical financial principles and many others from the Scriptures is essential, but we must go beyond knowing and understanding. To be a good and faithful steward, you must put these principles into practice.

Practical Steps for Financial Stewardship:

  1. Develop a Budget: Creating a budget is an essential step in financial stewardship. It helps you allocate your income wisely, prioritize expenses, and live within your means. A budget also provides clarity and control over your financial decisions, enabling you to align them with your values and God's principles.
  2. Eliminate Debt: Debt can hinder your ability to be a faithful steward of your finances. Strive to reduce and eliminate debt by committing to a debt-free lifestyle. This may require adjustments to your spending habits and a commitment to live within the boundary of your income.
  3. Seek Wise Counsel: Seeking advice from experienced and godly individuals can provide valuable insights and guidance for financial stewardship. Trusted financial counselors or mentors can help you make informed decisions, develop strategies for saving and investing, and help you navigate challenging financial problems.
  4. Regularly Review and Adjust: Financial stewardship is not a once-and-done thing. It is an ongoing process that requires regular reviews and adjustments. Regularly assess your financial situation, review your budget, and make necessary adjustments to ensure that your financial decisions align with biblical principles.
  5. Cultivate a Generous Heart: Intentionally look for opportunities to practice generosity. Give to your local church, support charitable organizations, and help those in need. Remember, generosity is not limited to finances alone; it can also involve sharing our time, skills, and resources with others.


Biblical financial stewardship starts with recognizing God's ownership and our role as stewards. This role isn't something we do apart from God. Instead, we do it with God's help, which he provides through his Biblical financial principles. Through them, we can navigate our financial decisions with wisdom and purpose by prioritizing God, practicing faithful management, embracing contentment, and cultivating generosity. As faithful stewards, let us receive and practice these principles for our well-being, the advancement of God's Kingdom, and the blessing of others.

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We teach church leaders the biblical perspective on finances.

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