There are many healthcare options available for businesses of all sizes. Whether you’re wondering how to start a business, you have an established small business idea, or you’ve been leading a team for years, finding a healthcare choice that fits your core values can seem overwhelming. However, there are Christian healthcare choices, and doing a little research goes a long way.
As a leader, you want your employees to be healthy, happy, and successful. There are many aspects to opening a small business, and creating a budget that serves your needs is crucial. Offering cost-effective healthcare options can bless your team and equip you to act as a good steward of your financial resources. It’s also a smart way to attract and keep great employees.
However, not all healthcare options suit small business needs and budgets. Some limit choices and services. Others may care more about economies of scale rather than treating every individual as a beloved child of God. The checklist below can help in your search for strong options that don’t fall short of godly goals.
Small business ownership: Find wisdom in God For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. [1 Timothy 4:8 (NIV)]Our physical health matters to God, but spiritual health, godliness, and the life to come matter even more. Glorifying God in every decision requires a healthy dose of prayer, research, and discernment (Luke 14:28). But don’t worry! Jesus promised an advocate – the Spirit of truth – to help the faithful (John 15:26).
The following three-step checklist can help. Once you narrow your options, it will guide your decisions. Chances are, you’ll find a responsible, cost-effective choice suited to your unique needs.
1. Core values: does it align with your vision for Christian leadership?Your Christian faith influences every part of your life. It’s never “off the clock.” As an employer, providing healthcare that aligns with your core values makes sense personally and professionally. God has plans for you, and your role as a biblical leader is no exception. You’re in this time and place with a unique opportunity to consider faith-based options for healthcare. For example, when choosing a group healthcare option:
Business owners must comply with healthcare regulations, including the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Does your choice meet the latest ACA mandates, participation requirements, and other important details? Other things to consider include:
Affordability is a high priority! Small business administration can be a chore, and learning how to budget for healthcare is no exception. As an entrepreneur, you know that considering new business ideas can get expensive, so your healthcare needs to fit the bill without breaking the bank. Review costs and related considerations:
Healthcare business options vary, and there’s a lot to investigate before you decide! Details vary, too, from regulations in healthcare, to what you need for the size of your small business team, and beyond.
As you pray, weigh your options and trust God to guide your path. And remember—traditional insurance isn’t your only option. Christian Healthcare Ministries (CHM) has options for nonprofit and for-profit groups of all sizes. We’re ready to help you explore how you can pursue your God-given dreams and support your staff with excellence in healthcare. CHM is the nation’s first and longest-serving health cost-sharing ministry, and we’re designed to support faithful servant-leaders just like you.
Images used with permission.